Haida Philosophy / World View
- Áajii hlan gwáay uu ya’áats’ gingáan uu íijang.
The world is like a knife blade. - Daláng isdaal.hl uu st’áang dámaan hl ḵing’waang.
When you are walking, watch your step. - Gam st’a’áang dalang ḵingwáa.sang . . .
If you don’t watch your step . . . - Hlan-gwáay tlagaay dalang dlawíit’ae hl saang.
You will fall off the edge of the world.
Upon hearing this Haida world view . . . a young lad ridiculed it and the story teller by prancing around and saying,
"Hlaw uu iijang! Hey, look at me !While prancing around, he stepped on a fish bone and developed fish poisoning and died. Thus the old people say he had fallen off the edge of the World.
Dii dlawiit’ae hl saang. I’m falling off the edge of the world."
Sourced from Snewaylh Co-op Radio, July 05, 2011. Vancouver BC Canada
Text and Audio by Káawan Sangáa, Compiled and edited by Giihlgiigaa Tsiij Git’anee