Direction / Wind

When we translate directly to English (or any other language) a great deal of cultural context is lost. So we will look at Haida Language Terms for "Direction" and for "Wind".


T’aagúust - South of Haida Gwaii.
X̱aadláaguust - South of K’iis Gwaay (Alaska)
T’aagwii - Toward the South of Haida Gwaii
X̱iwkw - Southeast

Jaagúust - West (from the ocean)
Ḵ’iitgiyaa - West Southwest

Sahgúust - North
X̱aayst - From the North
Sahgwii - Toward the North
Xaaw - From the Northeast
Tl’aa - From the Northeast

Saa tla gáast - East
Saa tla gáa gwii - Toward the East
X̱iwkw - Southeast


The wind came from the seaward side of the island, or over the ocean, is how we describe the wind direction. If you knew the direction the ocean was then you knew what kind of weather to expect. So we don’t say in Haida the wind is coming from the west, which seems a little dull in comparison to the Haida translation, we say Jaagúust tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang,"the wind is singing over the ocean."

South Wind
T’aagúust tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the south of Haida Gwaii
X̱aadláaguust tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the south of K’iis Gwaay (Alaska)

West Wind
Jaagúust tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the west (seaward side of the island)

West Southwest Wind
Ḵ’iitgiyaa tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the west southwest

East Wind
Saa tla gáast tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the sky or heaven (the Nass River)

Southeast Wind
X̱iwkw tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the southeast.

North Wind
Sahgúust tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Wind singing from the north.
X̱aayst Ḵ’ajúugang - From the North

Northeast Wind
Xaaw tajuwáay Ḵ’ajúugang - Singing from the northeast
Tl’aa Jaat - Northeast Wind Woman/Fair Weather Woman