Gúus uu dáng ḵínggang?
What is this?
What is this?
1. Vocabulary. Using real objects or pictures, introduce as many of the following words as you wish. Repeat drills 1, 2, and 3, for each word.
stlagáa - bracelet
dáalaa - money
dáalaa k’íisdang - two dollars
(so called from the heavy gold and silver dollars used before)
dáalaa tl’asdáng - two dollar bills (made of paper)
dáalaa k’íisdang - two dollars
(so called from the heavy gold and silver dollars used before)
dáalaa tl’asdáng - two dollar bills (made of paper)
gawíit - beads
ya’áats’ - knife, iron (metal)
dajáng - hat
ḵugíin - paper, book
ḵ’áalaangw - pencil, pen.
2. Repetition drill using real objects.
tl’áayuu uu íijang. This is thread.
3. Question and answer drill, using real object.
Q. Gúus uu íijang? What is this?
A. Tl’áayuu uu íijang. This is thread.
4. Question and answer chain, using real objects.
Q. Gúus uu íijang? What is this?
A. __________ uu íijang. That is __________.
5. Question and answer drill involving objects.
Instructor passes all objects to students. Instructor asks:
Q. Tl’áan uu stlagáay íijang? Where is the bracelet?
Student possessing the bracelet answers:
A. Áa uu stlagáay íijang. Here is the bracelet.
Teacher repeats until all objects and/or students are asked.
6. Chain drill. Directions are the same as for #5, except students take turns asking each other the questions.
7. Use repetition, Question-Answer, and chain drills to introduce the words. Instead of waiting at this point until all the words have been introduced, it would be better to give two or three new words per day, and continue with other drills in the lesson.
kuk | firewood |
xíl | medicine |
ts'ahl | pillow, pine tree |
jakw | rifle |
ts'asláangw | cooking pot |
gaaláangw | frying pan |
sgáan | killer whale |
sáaw | eulachon |
kún | whale |
íinaang | herring |
kíit | sealion |
yáanuu | sea cucumber |
sdlukw | land otter |
dúus | cat |
xa | dog |
gáwjaaw | drum |
gyáa'ang | totem pole |
sk'áam | cross |
hltánhlk'aa | rope-like cedar bark headdress |
giidáaw | rattle for dancing |
níijaangw | mask |
8. Repetition drill for a new word: isgyáan- and.
Dúus isgyáan xa uu hl kínggang. I see a dog and a cat.
9. Q&A chain using several pictures, or a large picture with many familiar objects.
Q. Gúus uu íijang? = What is this?
A. Gyáa'ang isgyáan nagyáa uu íijang. That is a totem pole and a house.
Q. Gúus uu dáng kínggang? = What do you see?
A. Gyáa'ang isgyáan nagyáa uu hl kínggang. I see a totem pole and a house.
10. Use repetition drill for these new words.
lagúus | mat (cedar) | lagujáay |
tlúu | boat, canoe | tluwáay |
k'áat | deer | k'áadaay |
xúut | seal | xúudaay |
sablíi | bread, flour | sablíigaay |
k'yuu | door, road, clam | k'yuwáay |
chíin | fish | chíinaay |
áal | oar, paddle | áalaay |
k'áak | butter clams | k'áagaay |
sgyáal | cockles | sgyáalaay |
sdláagwaal | spoon | sdláagulaay |
sk'atl'áangw | cup | sk'atl'áangwaay |
kíihlaa | plate | kíihlgaay |
11. Special verb drill.
Teacher to student #1. | Gúusk uu dáng sdahlaang? What do you want? |
student #2. | Tl'áayuuk díi sdahláang. I want thread. |
Teacher to student #2. | Gúusk uu hal sdahláang? What does he/she want? |
student #2. | Tl'áayuuk hal sdahláang. He/she wants thread. |
12. Use QA and chain to introduce the question form.
Gántlk dáng sdahlaa? Do you want water?
Áang gántlk díi sdahláang. Yes, I want water.
Gántlk dáng sdahlaa? Do you want water?
Géi, tl'áayuuk díi sdahláang. No, I want thread.
13.Vocabulary expansion. Repetition drill.
Sánuu áajii Xaat kihl kya'aang? What is this called in Haida?
..... hínuu áajii Xaat kihl kya'áang. This is called ..... in Haida.
If students have trouble with long sentences, use "backward build up." Repeat the sentence in sections, starting with the last part.
... kihl kya'aang?
... Xaat kihl kya'aang?
... áajii Xaat kihl kya'aang?
Sánuu áajii Xaat kihl kya'aang?
14. Teacher arranges objects or pictures for the new words listed below. Students use the above question to ask about the new words.
gwáahl | bag or pocket |
ya'áats | knife |
kuk | firewood |
yáahl | raven |
kíihlaa | dish |
dakdak diyáa | hummingbird |
Xaats sadáa | dance hat |
áal | paddle (oar) |
kyúutl'jaaw | ax |
st'ask'agáa | shoe |
táan | black bear |
kíit | tree, sea lion |
stlán | needle |
gawíit | bead |
tluu | boat, floating vessel |
dajáng | hat |
gwáasaaw | pig |
gudguníis | great horned owl |