
is a doorway of a house, is a woman’s privates, is a road or a trail, is that ladder, is also a clam

also spelled, K’yúu. The concept here is that k’yúu will bring you to a certain point, that is why these things all have the same name or word.

The elliptical hole near the bottom of the Gyaa ’áang (Totem pole), often served as the door of the house (Naay), which represented the woman’s K’yúu for that is where all life comes out. Life was not to be lived inside the house and, it was said that a man "must never enter the house without permission, even his own house." If he was invited to enter, "he must always do it in such a way that when he left the other person was honored that he had been there.

Sourced from Snewaylh Co-op Radio, November 22, 2011.